Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Medical Information

What do we need from you?
1.) Completed Medical Form (the one with the Harris Logo)
2.) Authorization to Dispense Medication
3.) Immunization Record
4.) Copy of front and back of insurance card

All medications will be turned in to the nurse the first day of camp. They must be in the original containers with legible directions. OTC medications must come with a note from your doctor and also be in the original container.

Severe conditions should be discussed with the Nurse ahead of time. Please contact Kelly Malanych (617.373.2626) if you think you need to talk to Ms. Allukian ahead of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hello again! We are in the process of placing students in their groups by their general information/icebreaker information sheets. In doing so, we have come across some themes in terms of questions/concerns. Here are some answers to those. If you need further clarification, please contact us:

Q: My child might need to take aspirin and/or vitamins. What should I do?
A: Any medications that you want your child to have needs to be in its original container with directions and a signed note from your doctor. This medication must be left with Nurse Allukian. Your child can only have an inhaler or EpiPeon on their person.

Q: My child knows/is related to another student. Can they room together and/or be in a group together?
A: It is our policy to not place related students together or students who know each other previously (when possible). Students are in groups of four (gender specific) at night and a group of 8 (4 males, 4 females of the same grade - which includes their suitemates). However, during the day they will travel in a group of 24 (16 6th grade + 8 7th and 8 7th + 16 8th grade).

Q: When does my child call home? Can s/he call home every night?
A: Children should not bring ANY electronic devices with them to camp. We will provide phones for them to call home one time per week. These are the expectations of the Harris Foundation. Of course, under special circumstances, we make accommodations for a child to call home. However, it would be impossible to have all 48 students calling home every night.

Q: Will we be able to swim while we are at camp?
A: Though we know it is summer and many of you LOVE swimming, we will not be participating in any water sports during our two weeks at camp.

Q: My child has a special dietary concern. How will this be taken care of?
A: Children who have allergies or special dietary concerns will have the appropriate foods available. As a large campus, Northeastern University serves thousands of students each day with many needs. Counselors and appropriate staff will be made aware of your child's dietary concern; however, your child should be prepared to make good nutrition choices. Students are allowed one dessert per lunch and one per dinner and soda only during lunchtime (one per student). If you have further concerns, you can speak with the Nurse and/or Camp Directors.

Q: My child is naturally shy; would s/he have a problem assimilating into the ExxonMobil Bernard Harris summer camp?
A: The activities planned for this exciting and eclectic summer experience is equipped with icebreakers that would allow even the shyest people to feel completely at home. This program is geared toward specific interests; therefore your child would be comfortable with the material and excited to engage into activities revolving around science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

If you feel your question or concern wasn't addressed here, please contact us at your earliest convenience.


~ Kelly

Thursday, June 11, 2009

So good to meet you!

Wow! How exciting it was to meet you all at the orientation on Saturday. I think I speak for all of the directors and counselors when I say that we are greatly looking forward to this summer - especially now that we have faces to go with the names of our campers.

As far as some updates on paperwork, please know that:
1.) Ms. Allukian, Camp Nurse, will be reviewing all the health forms and will get back to you if you are missing anything, including needing immunizations, etc.
2.) We will be sending you the pre-activity sheet for campers which they should complete and bring with them on the first day of camp.
3.) Directions and parking information for the first day of camp will be sent to you through the mail as well as posted on this blog.
4.) You will also receive your counselor information in the mail. This will include their name and some information about them. We will also be posting their pictures online so that you can remember their face. Both you and your parents will be able to be re-introduced to them on the first day of camp.

Lastly - please know that you can post questions on this blog and we will be checking and answering them here. However, please do not post any identifying information on this website such as last names, addresses, schools, etc.

We are also always available via phone (617.373.2626) or email ( Email addresses and phone numbers for all lead staff are also listed in the policy & procedure handbook (which will be uploaded to the website - next week.

Have a great weekend!

~ Kelly

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Welcome Campers and Parents!

Welcome to the 2009 ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Summer Science Camp at Northeastern University! My name is Kelly Malanych and I am the Program Director for our camp! This summer we decided we would start a blog to keep you all informed of what is going on with the camp! Currently we are preparing to meet all 48 campers and their parents on Saturday. On Friday all the counselors and directors will be getting together as well, to meet each other, and prepare for your arrival on July 12th. We are very excited about this summer and think you will have a great time!

As we anxiously await the arrival of the first day of camp, various staff members will be updating this blog with reminders and then during camp your parents will be able to access this blog to see what you are working on! We hope that you will take the time to read our blog when you come online.

See you all in a few days!
~ Kelly