Monday, June 14, 2010

Countdown to CAMP!!!!

Hello EMBHSSC Families and Student Campers,

On behalf of the Center for STEM Education we want to wish the campers a very successful ending of a great academic school year! We are also very excited that camp starts in less than thirty days! We have worked very hard to provide campers with a wonderful summer experience. We know that you also share our excitement about camp and we can't wait until move in day!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Meet your staff!

Good morning campers and families!

We are excited to meet all of you at orientation this week, and your counselors are excited to meet you too! We hope you are having a successful end to the school year and are looking forward to a productive, fun-filled summer.

Click here to view a slideshow introducing you to the camp staff you will be getting to know over the next month. We are working to pair students with counselors based on similar interests, and if you are attending the Saturday orientation, you will meet some of your counselors there!

See you soon : )